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Written by:- Faizan Abrar
Age:-           12

You would have been searching on the internet for how to hack someone’s facebook account and always wasting your time and never being successful to hack it, so today you are going to learn it and I will teach it to you. So lets get started.

1.Firstly you need you make a simple website which you can make by 

2.   Click Here to download the php codes (we will need them to carry on the process)

3. Open your 000webhost's CPanel then click on file manager, after that click on Public_html folder

4. Now upload the Php code to Public_html

5. Click Here to download the fake facebook page where your victim will enter his password and email (he will not know that his password will come to us)

6. Now upload this fake facebook code to Public_html

7. Now we are done, when your victim will login from, thn you will get the password in log.txt folder (this folder will automatically be made in public_html)

8. Please share this post on Facebook and recommend this on Google

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Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.


Template by Muhammad Faizan
Copyright © 2012 Faizan Abrar and Faizan Abrar.